Chrysalis Energies


The Past: The Story We Need To Remember

Geometry is an ancient symbolic language of patterns that have appeared throughout recorded history.  Ancient civilizations around the world believed this geometric language was the blueprint for all life. The energetic patterns create and unify all things and reveal the precise way creation organizes itself.  These universal symbols mirror the natural laws (geometry, magnetics and motion) within us and the planet we live on.


On every scale, all natural pattern, growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric pattern, including the molecules of our DNA. Snowflakes, flower petals, tree branches, a nautilus shell, the planet we live on, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, are all examples of these patterns.


To the ancients, the language of geometry was considered ‘sacred’ because it was essential to the education of awareness and transformation. To them, sacred geometry had particular significance involving consciousness… the ultimate wonder. Sacred geometry


Within geometry, we find the answers to three of the most fundamental questions:


  • Where do we come from?
  • Where are we now?
  • Where are we going?


To better understand, let’s dig  a little further…


The Platonic Solids 

There are 5 geometric shapes called the Platonic Solids, that everything in the physical world is made of.  There are no exceptions.


Although, known in ancient times, this idea was ridiculed by the modern scientific world until as recent as the 1980’s when Professor Robert Moon demonstrated that the entire periodic table of elements is based on these five forms. They provide all the building blocks in our physical world.



The Star Tetrahedron

This is the geometric symbol that all physical matter emerges from.  Its shape is  recognized in our stars, planets and galaxies, in every plant and flower, in hurricanes, petroleum, in the elements of fire, water, earth and air, plus the cells in our bodies.


It has been discovered in ancient churches, cathedrals, synagogues, temples and mosques. We see it in the pyramids of ancient Egypt, the megalithic structures of ancient Europe, the Ziggurats of Sumeria and in the architecture created by the Freemasons. It has been found in the ancient civilizations and cultures of China, North, Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Greece.

The Star Tetrahedron shape is a  three dimensional pattern, which many of us recognize in a 2D form as a 6-pointed star, a key building block that repeats within another geometric shape referred to as the 'flower of life’. 



Why does this matter to us?

Science has taught us that everything in the known universe is made up of different  forms of energy.   In the foundation of this energetic mix are atoms.


Within each atom are three components consisting of geometry, magnetics and motion.  Each atom contains a nucleus that contains protons and neutrons which are orbited by electrons.  The spin (motion) of these electrons is what gives every substance its vibrational frequency.


Our bodies are composed of various systems which are made up of organ groupings. Our organs are composed of tissues which are made up of cells. Cells are composed of molecules which are composed of atoms.



When you look at how an atom is formed, you can see the three dimensional shape of the Star Tetrahedron.

Geometry is the creating force, magnetics is the glue that holds it together, and motion is the frequency/vibration. Now quantum physics Quantum mechanics is showing us that at its tiniest observable level everything in our universe is energy.



How can we physically touch the things around us?

To understand this, it is important to know that everything has its own frequency.  Humans, animals, trees, water, rocks, tables and chairs, even our thoughts and feelings have their own frequency that can be measured.  The key is that if the frequency is changed, the physical reality is also altered.


The ancients believed human thought patterns influenced physical matter and the only real substance in the universe is consciousness. With our thoughts, we create; therefore, each person experiences their own version of reality.  Our own beliefs, experiences, perceptions and awareness cause us to have different realities.


An example of this is the Placebo effect. Many studies have shown that the placebo effect (the power of thought) is real and highly effective.  The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain’s role in physical health.


For the  ancients, sacred geometry was essential to and symbolic of their own inner realm. They believed it held the key to our awareness which is essential to our physical, mental, social, spiritual and environmental health.


All this is possible because matter is created out of our thoughts.  What we focus on is what we see. Think of this concept by viewing each person as a computer. We are all running our own programs and if your computer doesn’t contain the application to run a certain program, you won’t see what other people see.



Why we need to remember Ancient Principles?

It’s a universal template for us, our health and our planet’s health. The combination of ancient wisdom and new science can help us to rediscover the balance and harmony that exists in all of life, the wholeness and unity.  It can help us remember who we really are.


The principles behind geometry, magnetics and motion can lead us towards a future filled with greater personal environmental health.




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Chrysalis Energies