Chrysalis Energies


Our Present: Where Are We Now?

We have reached a point in time when mounting disconnection and distraction are negatively impacting our personal health environment the physical, mental, and emotional aspects that make up our state of well-being.  We have lost our natural connection to what is needed to thrive.


Physically:  our health is poor due to a general lack of healthy lifestyle habits.  We are too reliant on pharmaceuticals, and are more concerned with covering up pain than fixing the root cause.  There is real concern because antibiotics are less effective in treating infection and there is an increase of viruses and superbugs.

Mentally and emotionally:  we are under daily stress with a large portion of the population now on depression and anxiety medication.  

Environmentally:  our food and water is of poor quality.  Pesticides, chemicals and pollution are ever-present.  Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are mutating our food sources.  Electrosmog caused from the electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) of our power lines, microwaves, and cell towers which are emitting frequencies that are not harmonious with  our own  body’s electro-magnetic frequency.



Newtonian Science: 

Newtonian principles have governed our western culture's belief system for the past 200 years: that everything in the universe, including us, is isolated, surrounded by a vacuum of empty space and time.  Furthermore, reductionism in Newtonian mechanics says that if we are to understand the inner workings of anything, we must deconstruct it.  This has led to an over-emphasis on the physical and/or material nature of things.


Quantum physics now shows us that everything in the universe is made up of energy: a composite of  geometry, magnetics and motion (frequency).Groundbreaking research has discovered that all matter, at its tiniest observable level, is energy.  The universe is not an assembly of physical parts. It is inter-connected from an entanglement of non-material energy waves: a composite of geometry, magnetics and motion (frequency).

As stated in part one of the story, the ancients knew that our physical bodies, our mental, and emotional states, and our relationship to each other and nature, was profoundly connected.

A healthy person is able to eliminate toxins from their body naturally.  We have created so much man-made interference to our natural frequency that most of us can no longer cleanse the toxic overload buildup.  This results in immune dysfunction and cellular damage that can lead to dis-ease.


Conventional medicine has moved from diagnosing illness through exploratory surgery, to using frequency based diagnostics through the use of MRI’s, ultrasound technology, and  CAT scans. However, for treatment, the medical model is still based on Newtonian principles using surgery, drugs and radiation. While, this model serves an important role in the management of chronic disease and acute emergency health situations, it is not reliable in healing the cause of persistent illness or focus on prevention.  

In ancient times, the world was viewed holistically.  Today however, our disconnection, distraction and unawareness have trained us to give away the power to help ourselves. We trust our doctors blindly instead of listening to our bodies and our intuition.  We have come to rely on medication instead of prevention.  But that is changing .


Energetically, every disease is nothing more than a frequency that is not in alignment with our body's natural blueprint.  Pathogens, superbugs and toxins frequencies are not compatible with our natural frequency. The positive news is that there are treatments today to help support us by neutralizing these non-resonating frequencies.  One of the most comprehensive of these frequency-based treatments is the Chrysalis E. instrument with geodynamic frequency (GDF)technology.

Remembering ancient wisdom and embracing today's physics-based technology can transform your personal health environment.  Allowing your body to heal itself.

The future can hold for us a life that thrives.



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Chrysalis Energies